Nel paesaggio delle pianura padana si trovano casolari sparsi, circondati da ampie distese di campi coltivati. È un patrimonio in decadenza, che mostra i segni del tempo e che per la maggior parte dei casi non viene recuperato e si trova in stato precario, destinato a scomparire.
Questo significa rischiare di perdere elementi caratterizzanti un paesaggio.
Per questo il progetto fotografico si concentra su queste costruzioni.
Lo fa non rappresentandoli nel loro contesto, ma soffermandosi su i dettagli.
Le loro facciate sono infatti un libro che racconta di come sono state modificate nel tempo, fori delle finestre aperte o chiuse in momenti diversi, con forme, materiali e texture diversi. Particolari di un'architettura tipicamente rurale sono poi le aperture e chiusure con mattoni disposti in modo tale da lasciare filtrare l'aria, in modo da creare dei disegni, delle traforature sempre diverse.
Ne risultano delle composizioni dettate da esigenze funzionali, da azioni frutto di decisioni spontanee, senza studi di facciata o progetti a monte.
E ogni fotografia diventa un quadro di geometrie, texture e colori, che racconta tutto questo ma allo stesso tempo trova un suo proprio ordine, un po' astratto.
In the landscape of the Po Valley there are scattered farmhouses, surrounded by large expanses of cultivated fields. It is a decaying heritage, which shows the signs of time and, for the majority of cases, which is not recovered and is in a precarious state, destined to disappear.
This means to risk losing elements that characterize a landscape.
For this reason this photographic project focuses on these constructions, not by representing them in their context, but by dwelling on the details.
Their facades are in fact a book that tells how they have changed over the time, open or closed window holes at different times, with different shapes, materials and textures. The openings and closings with bricks are details of a typically rural architecture, bricks arranged in such a way as to allow the air to filter, so as to create drawings, perforations different between each other.
The result is then compositions dictated by functional needs, by actions resulting from spontaneous decisions, without facade studies or upstream projects.
And each photograph becomes a picture of geometries, textures and colors, which tells all this but at the same time finds its own and a little abstract order.
This means to risk losing elements that characterize a landscape.
For this reason this photographic project focuses on these constructions, not by representing them in their context, but by dwelling on the details.
Their facades are in fact a book that tells how they have changed over the time, open or closed window holes at different times, with different shapes, materials and textures. The openings and closings with bricks are details of a typically rural architecture, bricks arranged in such a way as to allow the air to filter, so as to create drawings, perforations different between each other.
The result is then compositions dictated by functional needs, by actions resulting from spontaneous decisions, without facade studies or upstream projects.
And each photograph becomes a picture of geometries, textures and colors, which tells all this but at the same time finds its own and a little abstract order.

Composition 1

Composition 2
Composition 3

Composition 4

Composition 5
Composition 6

Composition 7

Composition 8
Composition 9

Composition 10

Composition 11
Composition 12

Composition 13